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Antlers of Arboreal Power, by Basumo

Antlers of Arboreal Power, by Basumo

Antlers of Arboreal Power

This artwork is the final submission from the artist Basumo for the ‘Humanity’ event by the Faerian gallery. The artist created this piece in 3 days, inspired by a prompt that was submitted by the public. In a unique twist, instead of being interpreted by an AI, this time the prompt was brought to life by a human artist. The entire creative process was livestreamed online and at the NFC Lisboa event.

Artist’s Description

Prompt by Leia Avaryus
— ‘A boy wearing a flat white mask, a mask that only showed his partial heterochromia—a combination of deep blue and brown in the iris—eyes were sharp. On the far right and top left of the mask were two white antlers, like a deer, that blended into the mask. He wore a dark blue robe hooded with abstract features on the tips of his arms and the bottom of his robe. His left hand held the wooden staff with vines and a white flower that only blossomed and gleamed at night. On his right wrist was a birthmark like a tattoo that resembled a tendrill of a plant. He has the power to grow plants without seeds only by his index finger tips in various media.’
Was AI used?
— No

How is your final artwork related to the prompt?
— My final artwork is closely related to the prompt as it captures the essence of the boy’s connection with nature and his ability to wield magical powers. The digital painting depicts the boy wearing a mask with white antlers, symbolizing his affinity with the natural world. The dark blue robe with abstract features reflects the mystical and otherworldly nature of the character. The wooden staff with vines and the blossoming white flower, along with the birthmark resembling a plant tendril on his wrist, highlight his ability to manipulate and grow plants. The incorporation of elements from Indonesian occultism adds a touch of cultural richness and depth to the artwork, creating a character design that aligns with the prompt’s fusion of nature, magic, and fantasy themes.

Why did you choose this prompt?
— I chose this prompt because it beautifully blends the themes of nature and magic, which deeply resonate with me. As an illustrator and concept artist with a passion for exploring Indonesian mysticism and occultism, this prompt offers the perfect opportunity to showcase the rich cultural heritage of Southeast Asia through visual storytelling. The combination of the boy’s connection with nature, his ability to grow plants with a touch, and the mystical elements such as the mask, antlers, and the glowing flower, allows me to create a character design that embodies both the enchanting beauty and the inherent power of nature. It is a captivating concept that I am eager to bring to life through my unique artistic style, creating a piece that is not only visually striking but also steeped in symbolism and meaning.

Explain more your creative process:
— In my creative process, I began by gathering visual resources and references to create a mood board that incorporated elements such as wood textures, branch structures, masks, hooded outfits, deer antlers, robes, traditional Indonesian patterns, and silver trinkets. This allowed me to establish a visual foundation and inspire ideas for the character design. From there, I explored various options and experimented with different poses to find the most fitting and dynamic one. Drawing inspiration from RPG fantasy games, board games, and role-playing games, I sought to create a character that embodied the fusion of nature, magic, and fantasy themes. With the sketch design in place, I proceeded to add base colors, shading, and rendering to bring out the intricate details and make the character come to life in a digital painting style reminiscent of those found in RPG fantasy games.


June 2023


Digital 2D


Basumo is an eclectic artist with a passion for illustration, graphic design, and motion graphics from Tangerang, Indonesia.

Acquiring the artwork

Price: Min 0.16 ETH

This artwork is available as a 1/1 NFT on Ethereum with the following perks:

🎁The high-quality image, with a Public Display/Non-Commercial License
🎁 Discounted access to the future V2 of the artwork (animated version)

As with all 1/1 NFTs, it also lets you:
  • get the status of a Guardian of Faerian, meaning you have access to our future collections in advance (private Discord channel) & you can be part of the jury for our future art contests.
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