Open a window to Faerian
Acquire the original paintings, sculptures, or jewels made by our traditional artists.
Get high-resolution image files from our digital artists and limited high-quality edition prints with unique NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens).
Thanks to your patronage, you’ll automatically become a Guardian of Faerian, and you’ll be granted access to unique benefits and perks.
Open a window to Faerian
Acquire the original paintings, sculptures, or jewels made by our traditional artists.
Get high-resolution image files from our digital artists and limited high-quality edition prints with unique NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens).
Thanks to your patronage, you’ll automatically become a Guardian of Faerian, and you’ll be granted access to unique benefits and perks.
Guardian Benefits
When you have purchased an original artwork, either under its physical form or as a unique NFT (non-fungible token), you become a Guardian of Faerian. It means that we see you as an investor with an eye for talent.
As such, you will be eligible for two types of perks:
Artist Perks
Each artwork, or NFT of artwork, may come with different bonuses, that we sometimes call unlockable content, depending on the Artist’s choice. For example:
- Commercial license
- Certificate of authenticity
- Print discount codes
- Exclusive behind-the-scenes content
- Meet the Artist, etc.
Each artwork or NFT of artwork has unique properties!
Faerian Guardian Perks
On top of those Artist-provided bonuses, you will always have Faerian Guardian perks, i.e., belonging to a close community of Guardians and getting special voting rights in the gallery, as well as:
- Access to a private Discord channel
- The opportunity to participate in the jury for different Art contests organized by Faerian
- The opportunity to give your opinion on the next collections in advance
- Access to VIP online and offline events

Why do you focus only on fantasy art?
Faerian believes fantasy art is underrepresented in traditional art galleries. It’s such a shame because it transports people into a different world, in a way that no other type of art can. It has always been an important part of our cultures (we wrote a great article about it)
It makes people:
• live epic adventures
• gain magical abilities
• become somebody else
• live in a different universe
• and just daydream in general that there may be actual fairies living in the forest…
Fantasy art describes so many different possible universes!
Which art mediums do you consider?
We will provide you with a fantasy experience as immersive as possible. Hence, our gallery considers all art mediums, including digital art, photography, drawings, paintings, sculptures, jewelry, as well as music and writing.
Do you sell more than NFTs?
While we believe NFTs are a great opportunity for digital artists to live from their art, our gallery is inclusive of all art mediums. We sell not only digital artworks, but also original physical artworks, that may or may not be linked to an NFT depending on the Artist’s choice. We also sell prints and derived products.
What is an NFT?
An NFT, or non-fungible token, is a unique digital representation of a piece of an artist’s work. Its primary purpose is purely symbolic: they don’t actually sell the file of their art – they sell symbolic ownership to their art.
NFTs are popular nowadays for digital artists who don’t have the asset of scarcity physical artists may have. Since they cannot sell an “original” physical artwork, instead they can sell a symbolic, unique representation of that artwork.
That unique representation is “minted” (= created), on a “blockchain”, which is a sort of large database shared by multiple computers across the world. Because of the way it is built, that database can never be deleted, meaning their artwork will live forever as an NFT once it is minted.
Are your NFTs environmentally friendly?
Yes! We always choose eco-friendly blockchains.
Our NFTs are currently minted on Ethereum since they recently changed their algorithm to be more energy-efficient, and they proved it on this article released in January 2023. Quote: “YouTube used over 175 times more energy watching Gangnam Style in 2019 than Ethereum uses per year.”
Faerian is committed to letting people enjoy fantasy art while protecting our beautiful planet.
I'm such a newbie in NFTs, I'm scared to do something wrong...
You don’t need to own any crypto to start. We explain you everything about how to purchase a NFT with just your credit card. Read this tutorial: https://faerian.art/nft-tutorial
Who gets paid, Faerian or the Artist?
Faerian acts primarily as an art gallery, so we only take a commission on each sale with a percentage agreed upon with the Artist. A majority of the sale always goes directly to the Artist, and so do the royalties.
Why should I buy a NFT from Faerian rather than from the Artist?
Great question. 3 reasons!
Firstly, you might have some difficulty finding an NFT created by our Artists. Most of them don’t know how to create an NFT firsthand, nor have time to do it. So Faerian creates the NFT on their behalf – with their permission, so that they can focus exclusively on their art without having to worry about what is happening in the crypto space. And if they can focus on their art, it means you’ll be able to enjoy more of their artwork in the future!
Secondly, when you buy the NFT from Faerian itself, you get the “Faerian Guardian perks” which tags you as an official benefactor of the gallery. You’ll belong to a close community of Guardians and have special voting rights in the gallery, as well as:
- Access to a private Discord channel
- The opportunity to participate in the jury for different Art contests organized by Faerian
- The opportunity to provide your opinion about the next collections in advance
- Access to private online events (meeting with Artists, etc.)
- And more to come!
Lastly, the only way for you to discover the next Faerian collections and the next best artists, the ones that will have value, is to invest in the current ones. If you click on the “Collections Map”, you will see, for example, that Collection #2 can be released only after at least a large portion of the artwork in Collection #1 was bought.
Do you plan on opening a physical gallery in the future?
We are participating in physical events worldwide as much as possible. For example, we were exhibited at the NFT Factory in Paris twice in December 2022 and February 2023; Mecenate Fine Art Gallery in Rome, Italy in March 2023, followed by Seoul, South Korea, NFT.NYC 2023 in the United States, and NFC Lisboa 2023 in Portugal.
We’re open to any ideas that would help promote our fantasy artists. In the meantime, an online art gallery is well adapted to this type of art since it is usually digital, and we can attract more fantasy fans from the entire world without them having to travel to a specific location.
I have ideas for the gallery and the community. Can I share them with you?
Yes! We love feedback and new ideas. Send them to hello@faerian.art, or directly on the Discord server in the channel “shrine-of-ideas”!