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The Symphony of Unity, by VEL LY

The Symphony of Unity, by VEL LY

The Symphony of Unity

This artwork is the final submission from the artist VEL LY for the ‘Humanity’ event by the Faerian gallery. The artist created this piece in 3 days, inspired by a prompt that was submitted by the public. In a unique twist, instead of being interpreted by an AI, this time the prompt was brought to life by a human artist. The entire creative process was livestreamed online and at the NFC Lisboa event.

Artist’s Description

Original Prompt Text

Prompt by Helena
— ‘A background that reminds you of sacred geometry, on the foreground something like multi dimensional human being in communion with nature, amazing colours.’
Watch the full video of the artwork here.

Was AI used?
— No

How is your final artwork related to the prompt?
— As it says in the prompt, the artwork has a geometric elements on the background, and the multi dimensional human as I see it in the foreground. The human communicates with nature through the meditation connecting to it on different deep levels. Pencils strokes on the background are displaying tree branches. The human has a crown with flower motives wich is actually a mandala with the third eye being a center to it. The mandala starts glowing as the human falls in to the meditation symbolizing a strong connection to the Mother Nature.I’ve chosen bright and glowing colors to reflect the deep connection and it’s also my way to interpret “amazing colors” as it said in the prompt.

Why did you choose this prompt?
— In this prompt I saw a great opportunity to create something that’s not typic to me but still reflects my art style. I’ve also recently spent few month in a place, where you mostly surrounded by jungles, and I’ve also had a recent interest in meditation. This prompt spoke to my soul and my recent experiences, so I decided it’s a great way to express myself by creating this art piece.

Explain more your creative process:
— I started with a pencil sketch on paper, then I made a scan of it, after it I continued to a watercolor layer and made another scan. Then I combined two Scans of different layers in procreate and added more details and colors. After it I started working on an animation, I created 55 unique versions of this artwork to create a shot to shot animation.


June 2023


Colored pencils, watercolor, digital art (Video)


VEL LY is a Russian artist and illustrator currently based in Bali, Indonesia.

Acquiring the artwork

Price: Min 0.38 ETH

This artwork is available as a 1/1 digital NFT on Ethereum with the following perks:

🎁The high-quality image, with a Public Display/Non-Commercial License
🎁 The corresponding high-quality video
🎁 E-meet the artist 1/1 for 15 minutes
🎁 Original artwork, shipping costs included, any destination
🎁 A free airdrop of the speedpainting recorded process

As with all 1/1 NFTs, it also lets you:
  • get the status of a Guardian of Faerian, meaning you have access to our future collections in advance (private Discord channel) & you can be part of the jury for our future art contests.
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