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Eveil féérique, by Isabelle Gouget

Eveil féérique, by Isabelle Gouget

Eveil féérique

This artwork is the final submission from the artist Isabelle Gouget for the ‘Humanity’ event by the Faerian gallery. The artist created this piece in 3 days, inspired by a prompt that was submitted by the public. In a unique twist, instead of being interpreted by an AI, this time the prompt was brought to life by a human artist. The entire creative process was livestreamed online and at the NFC Lisboa event.

Artist’s Description

Original prompt text

Prompt by 1Existence (Twitter: 1Existence)
— ‘Crystal-clear rivers flow gracefully through lush, emerald forests, their waters imbued with the essence of magic, reflecting shimmering rainbows across the landscape. The trees in these forests are not just ordinary trees but towering sentinels that twist and curve, adorned with luminescent leaves that glow in hues of iridescent blues, purples, and greens. Colorful songbirds with wings that glisten like prisms flutter through the air, Graceful unicorns roam freely, their coats shimmering with ethereal light, and graceful faeries dance amidst blooming fields of radiant flowers, each petal holding a tiny spark of magic.
Mountains soar high into the heavens, their peaks adorned with majestic cascading waterfalls that appear to flow upwards, defying gravity. These mountains are not just rocks but living beings, their surfaces covered in intricate patterns formed by ever-shifting elements of earth and stone.’
Was AI used?
— No

How is your final artwork related to the prompt?
— My final artwork, titled ‘Enchanted Awakening,’ depicts a whimsical landscape that embodies the essence of the prompt. It showcases intertwined Siamese trees and an inverted World Tree rooted in the clouds. This concept allowed me to create gravity-defying waterfalls that flow in reverse, defying the laws of nature. Instead of cascading into the river below, they pour from the mountaintop and into the clouds above. The intense blue color of the river reflects the reference to ‘crystalline rivers’ in the prompt.

The presence of soaring butterflies and birds guides the viewer’s gaze toward the distant mountain range, emphasizing the cascade of the inverted world. To maintain a coherent and harmonious color palette, I limited the range to analogous tones of purple. In order to maintain a balanced composition that ensures ease of interpretation for the viewer, I chose not to include fairies and unicorns, even though they are commonly associated with such enchanted landscapes.

To align with my artistic style inspired by impressionist and surrealist painters, the fantastical landscape is intentionally less detailed, allowing room for the viewer’s imagination to roam. These artistic choices contribute to creating a sense of joy, well-being, and enchantment, which, in my interpretation, encapsulates the essence of the prompt and the theme of freedom.

Why did you choose this prompt?
— I chose this prompt because it aligns closely with my main theme of “freedom”. The vivid depiction of crystal clear rivers, lush forests, and magical elements evokes a sense of enchantment and liberation. The twisted tree imagery represents freedom of expression and exploration. The presence of birds symbolizes unrestrained beauty and the untamed spirit of freedom. The depiction of mountains rising high into the skies, with gravity-defying waterfalls, signifies limitless possibilities and the ability to overcome obstacles in the pursuit of freedom. Of the prompts available, this one stood out to me the most because it encapsulates the essence of freedom through its enchanting images and elements. By selecting this prompt, I had the opportunity to incorporate elements from my previous illustrations, creating a sense of continuity and building upon the theme of freedom.

Explain more your creative process:
— In my creative process, I initially engaged in a thorough analysis of the prompt, exploring various directions to bring it to life. I took the time to fully immerse myself in the essence of the prompt by repeatedly reading and reflecting upon it.

Afterwards, I took a break and decided to take a nap, allowing my mind to rest and wander freely. Upon waking up, I envisioned a serene and fantastical landscape where nature and magic coexisted harmoniously.

To begin, I carefully selected a color palette that aligned with the prompt and set the desired tone for the artwork. Utilizing this palette as a guide, I started adding vibrant splashes of color to the canvas, continuously referring back to the prompt for inspiration and guidance.

The concept of defying gravity and showcasing a gravity-defying spectacle was sparked by the prompt, evoking memories of my previous works featuring upside-down world trees. This concept further developed into the idea of waterfalls cascading through clouds, creating a mesmerizing visual display that challenged the laws of nature.

During the second day of the design process, I made the deliberate decision to simplify the color palette even further, aiming to achieve a more harmonious and saturated effect. This choice was made to emphasize the notion that magic permeated every element of the landscape. Stroke by stroke, layer by layer, the composition of the image began to take shape.

Towards the end of my creative process, I meticulously inspected each area of the image, ensuring that the chosen colors adhered to my artistic conventions and would be faithfully reproduced when printed. Paying attention to the overall impression is crucial to my works, as they are intended to be experienced in their physical form.


June 2023


Digital 2D


Isabelle Gouget is a digital artist from Brittany, France.

Acquiring the artwork

Price: Dutch auction starting at 4000 XTZ

This artwork is available as a 1/1 NFT on Tezos with the following perks:

🎁The high-quality image, with a Public Display/Non-Commercial License

As with all 1/1 NFTs, it also lets you:
  • get the status of a Guardian of Faerian, meaning you have access to our future collections in advance (private Discord channel) & you can be part of the jury for our future art contests.

The artwork is made available through a Dutch auction starting on Tuesday 9pm GMT+2: Descending auctions offered natively by the OBJKT platform. With a starting price of 4000 XTZ. Auction duration: 24 hours.
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