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Ethereal Escapade, by Nalani

Ethereal Escapade, by Nalani

Ethereal Escapade

This artwork is the final submission from the artist Nalani for the ‘Humanity’ event by the Faerian gallery. The artist created this piece in 3 days, inspired by a prompt that was submitted by the public. In a unique twist, instead of being interpreted by an AI, this time the prompt was brought to life by a human artist. The entire creative process was livestreamed online and at the NFC Lisboa event.

Artist’s Description

Original Prompt Text

Prompt by Erwin M.
— ‘Child staring at a space elevator going to the Galaxy.’
Was AI used?
— No

How is your final artwork related to the prompt?
— The wandering child in the night wearing her space blanket, the power emanating from the elevator going to the sky and the dreamy road the child has to walk in order to get there, gave life to the prompt I chose.

Why did you choose this prompt?
— While I was reading the text, it just flashed into my imagination, I connected with the idea and I just drew the image in my mind.


June 2023


Digital 2D


Nalani is a traditional and digital artist from New York, USA.

Acquiring the artwork

Price: Min 0.005 ETH

This artwork is available as an Open Edition on Ethereum with the following perks:

🎁The high-quality image, with a Public Display/Non-Commercial License
🎁 E-meet 1/1 the artist for 15 minutes
🎁 A free airdrop of the speedpainting recorded process

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